Bug fixes and performance enhancements: * Fetch messages from the server only as absolutely necessary. * Send rate throttling is possible, via an advanced configuration setting * Indicate in drafts folder column when a draft is invalid due to pgp encryption, or is not scheduled by this specific instance of Thunderbird. * Automatically re-save drafts when they are opened for editing, effectively "un-scheduling" them. creating a shortcut called Next &Work Day would be rendered in the shortcut button as Next Work Day (W should be underlined, but github won't do that), and could be activated with Alt+Shift+W on Windows and Linux, or Ctrl+Option+W on Mac. " button, the "Send Now" and "Place in Outbox" buttons are connected to the same access keys as they were in the 7.x branch, with underlined characters in the button text to indicate what those keys are, and the shortcut keys can be manually bound to whatever arbitrary access key you'd like by placing an & character in the shortcut label immediately preceding the character of your choice. Source code released under Mozilla Public License, version 2.0Ĭhanges since 8.4.5: Features: * Status bar menu/indicator is back * Access key shortcuts are available within the message composition window and the popup dialog * In the composition window, Ctrl+Alt+1/Ctrl+Alt+2/Ctrl+Alt+3 execute the user-defined shortcuts (15 min/30 min/ 2 hour delay by default) * In the popup dialog Ctrl+1/Ctrl+2/Ctrl+3 also execute the shortcuts, Ctrl+Enter activates the "Send at. However, if you notice any irregularities with the way those elements are behaving please do let me know. Features like the drafts folder column and the status bar menu should be more reliable than they were before. Notes: Lots changed under the hood in this release, primarily around the way UI components are handled. The draft folder column should be generally much less finicky than it was before. * Sorting draft messages by the "Send Later" column should work as expected now. Bug fixes: * The status bar menu should always respect changes to the "Show Send Later in status bar" preference.

These behaviors can be configured in the options dialog in the same way you configure shortcut keys. If you hold Shift or Ctrl (cmd on MacOS) while clicking the "Send Later" toolbar button, then special functions will be executed rather than opening the scheduler dialog. Added features: * "accelerator" keys can be used to alter the behavior of the composeAction toolbar button.